JEW OR JUDEAN ?                                                                      April 2022

As we study the Bible, it is important that we also study the Scriptures.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, but the Bible is man’s translation and interpretation of the inspired Scriptures.

So when we study the Bible we must study the original meaning of the inspired words.

We have already seen how many words have been mistranslated and misinterpreted to bend the truth so that it supports a particular doctrine of man or just enough to keep believers from all the truth.

Our English translation is riddled with tricks of the devil to keep us from realizing all truth.

Just the order in which the books are placed creates confusion for the casual reader and the diligent student.

Even the dividing of the Bible into two “Testaments” creates a false dividing line of doctrine.

Once these errors are perpetrated, they are embedded in our minds over time and are hard to correct.

If a lie is created and repeated often enough and loud enough it eventually becomes accepted as the truth. And this we have experienced even in our studies of the Scriptures.

The most important example that we have discovered are the interpretation of the words “church” for ekklesia and the word “hell” for sheol: both of which have led to tremendous false teaching for centuries in Christendom.

We have seen how other words such as Eucharist, saint, mystery, baptism, foundation, gospel, cross, Easter, conversation, etc. have been used by mistranslation to promote a false teaching.

This is obviously one of Satan’s primary and effective tools of deception. “It is easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.”

As chosen members of the Body of Christ, we not only study to seek the truth, but study to seek all truth which includes dispensational truth.

Because we understand what happened at the end of the Book of Acts, because we rightly divide the word of truth, and because we understand dispensational truth, we can also see the tricks of the devil that deceive the people of God.

And yet it has again come my attention that there is another very prominent word in the Bible that is not found in the inspired Scriptures that leads the believer to confusion.

How many people have struggled with understanding the difference between the “Israelites” and the “Jews”?

This causes Satan to laugh because, actually, he has a much deeper plan going on which I will explain.

As we study the Bible and teach what we have learned, it becomes confusing and sometimes clumsy to distinguish between the Israelites and the Jews. Most people think that these names are interchangeable.

Without knowing it we are actually caught again in the “snare of the devil”.

When we read a word in the Bible, we visualize that word in the time of which we are reading about.

Unfortunately we are also tricked by the study references we use, which are part of Satan’s network.

Just like many of our English words, the word “Jew” did not exist until the 17th century.

Let us take the word “Jew” and see why Satan might want to trick us with this word.

2 Kings 16:6 At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day.

Strong’s H3064

יְהוּדִי Yᵉhûwdîy, yeh-hoo-dee'; patronymically from H3063; a Jehudite (i.e. Judaite or Jew), or descendant of Jehudah (i.e. Judah):—Jew.

Strong’s concordance is a catalogue of English words used by the translators of the version of the Strong’s being used. If the KJV version of Strong’s is being used, then the list of the KJV translators is being catalogued. This does not guarantee in any way that the translation is correct. Notice that Strong’s catalogue of the translator’s word for Yehuwdiy is “Jew”.

Early modern English words did not originate until 1500-1700 CE. The word “Jew” did not develop until the 17th century. It did not originate in the time of 2 Kings 16:6. But how many of us have said that the word “Jew” first appeared in 2 Kings 16:6?

The first thing to look at is the Hebrew usage of the word in question. Even this is subject to our ignorance of Hebrew usages, but will give us a sense of the etymology of the word.

It appears that the direct translation of the Hebrew word Yehuwdiy is plural and means Jehudites: People from Jehudah. (Kingdom of Judah)

Therefore 2 Kings 16:6 would read “…and drave the Judahites from Elath”

In the four Gospel there are varied accounts of what was written on a plaque above Jesus on the cross or pole which contain the words “King of the Jews”.

The Greek form translated “Jews” is Strong’s G2453 Ioudaios which means Judeans; Belonging to Judah or of Judea. The sign above Jesus should read, “King of the Judeans” in our English versions (which it did at one time).

“In the time of Pontius Pilate in history there was no religious, racial, or national group in Judea known as “Jews” nor had there been any group so identified anywhere else in the world prior to that time.”

It is obvious from the context of the Gospels that this was a title of mockery; Pilate knowing that Jesus would be the last person the Judeans would honor as their king.

The English word “Jew” first appeared in Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s 1775 Play “The Rivals” II,I in the quote “She shall have the skin of a mummy and the beard of a Jew.”

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) never used the word “Jew”. In his “Merchant of Venice” V.III.i.61 he writes, “What is the reason? I am a Iewe: hath not a Iewe eyes?

It was the 18th century revisions of the NT English translations that corrupted the Greek Ioudaios with the word “Jew”. The King James Version we use today is the 1769 revision work of Benjamin Blayney (1728-1801 English Divine and Hebraist)

Wycliffe used “iewes”. Tyndale, Coverdale, Cramner, Geneva, Rheims, and AKJV all used “Iewes” for iudaeus (L) or Ioudaios (G). Notice the “d” is left out in all these translations. But in the earlier Wessex Gospels of 1175 the “d” was still there.

Matt 2:2 in the Wessex Gospels

2:2 & cwæðen. hwær is se iudea (Judeans) kyng þe akenned is.

27:37 & hyo asetten ofer hys heafod hys gylt þus awritenne. Ðys is se hælend iudea (Judeans) kyng

 John 4:9 in the Wessex Gospels

 Ða cwæð þæt samaritanisse wif to hym. Hu-mete bydst þu at me drinken. þonne þu ert Iudeisc (being a Judean). & ic em samaritanisc wyf. Ne brucað Iudeas (Judeans) & samaritanissce metes æt-gadere.

If the word “Jew” did not exist until the 18th century, then how could the word “Jew” come from the Hebrew Yehuwdiy or the Greek Ioudaios?

As we just showed the “d” was still in the words in the 1175 Wessex Gospels. But by the time the English Bible translation came about in the 16th and 17th centuries the “d” had been removed as an abbreviated word “Iewes”. What could have brought about that change between the 12th century and the 16th century?

You might ask, “Ok, so what is the big deal? What is the difference if they are called Judahites or Judeans or Jews?

If you think the people living in Israel today are Judahites, then therein is the “big deal”.

If you think the people living in Israel today are Semites, then therein is the “big deal”.

If you think the people living in Israel today follow the Torah or Old Testament, diitto.


In the Bible times the word for “Judahite” or “Judean” was never abbreviated to the word “Jew”.

In the inspired words of God, those words were never abbreviated.

I contend that every encyclopedia and every dictionary is incorrect in stating that the word “Jew” originated from those Biblical words Yehuwdiy and Ioudaios.

The Judeans had several religious sects such as the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Essenes, the Nazarenes, etc. There were likely Judeans who didn’t identify with any of these religious groups. Talmudism was the growing replacement of the Torah. The Herod’s were actually Edomites, who are descendants of Esau that converted to Judaism, but they were not descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel. They were Roman appointees over Judaea and became Iudaeans.

The word “Jew” has created a lot of confusion.

Someone sent me an email with a video attached of a pastor talking about parts of a book written in 1954 by Benjamin Freedman titled “Facts Are Facts”.  I downloaded it to Kindle and read it. I learned a lot of things I did not know which I will share with you. But it also gave me some insights that go beyond the book which I will summarize at the end.   

Benjamin Freedman was a former Khazar (Zionist, Jew) who converted to Roman Catholicism. He had a high position in the United States Government and was involved in many top secret meetings and had access to several U. S. Presidents from Woodrow Wilson to John F. Kennedy. Most of the following commentary comes from his book.

Today you will a little bit about the Khazars. This is a very brief history.

The people occupying Israel today are the Khazars. “These Khazars, these pagans, these Asiatics, these Turko-Finns, were a Mongolian race who were forced out of Asia into eastern Europe. Because their King Bulan took the Talmudic faith, they had no choice in the matter.” The Khazars were converted to Judaism under Talmudism. “So the Khazars became what we call today ‘Jews’.”

It almost seems like Satan had a group of people that he used to create counterfeit “Jews” who would eventual occupy Palestine and Israel and Jerusalem. If Jerusalem is God’s chosen city, then certainly Satan would want his people to occupy it in order to thwart any plans of God.

These Khazar people were around when Jesus Christ was on the earth. They flourished from 1 B.C. to A.D. 1000. Their empire grew to one of the largest in the history of mankind. It spanned from Asia to Eastern Europe. Russia is now a big part of what once was Khazan.

The eastern European Jews, who form 92% of the world’s population of those people who call themselves Jews, were originally Khazars. Khazars were a warlike tribe who lived deep in the heart of Asia. At the time Russia and many European countries did not exist. The Khazar kingdom was the largest country in the world.

The Asiatics drove them out of Asia into Eastern Europe. They set up a large Khazar Kingdom of 800,000 square miles.

They were phallic worshippers like many pagans and barbarians elsewhere. The Khazar King became so disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom that he decided to adopt a monotheistic religion. In the 7th century he considered Christianity, Islam, and Judaism (which is really Talmudism). He chose Judaism to be the state religion of the Khazars. He brought thousands of rabbis from Pumbedita and Sura and opened synagogues and schools. There was a national conversion and the Khazars became what we call Jews”.

The Khazars had no written language so they chose the Hebrew alphabet. But their language was not Hebrew. The language they developed is called “Yiddish”. Yiddish is not Hebrew. Approximately 90% of the world’s so-called “Jews” living in 42 different countries are either emigrants from Eastern Europe or their parents emigrated from Eastern Europe. “Yiddish” is the common language as either a first or second language. “Yiddish” is a modern language of a nation, which had lost its existence as a nation. Yiddish never had a religious implication, although they use the Hebrew characters as their alphabet. Yiddish and Jewish are both deceiving names.

There was not one of them who had an ancestor whoever put a toe in the Holy Land, not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. And yet they come to the Christians and ask for support and the Christians fall for it because they think they are helping the descendants of the people of the Bible.

In AD 820 a small Slavic state was organized just north of the Khazar Kingdom by a small group of Varangians from Scandinavia. This infant nation the size of Delaware developed into the Great Russian Empire. In less than 1000 years it grew to 9,500,000 square miles in Europe and Asia: three times the size of the United States. The Russians pushed the Khazars into 800,000 square miles in southern and Eastern Europe to what is now called Ukraine. The Khazars became known as the “Yiddish” populations of Poland, Lithuania, Galicia, Hungary, Romania, and Austria.

The conversion of King Bulan and the Khazar nation in the seventh century accomplished for Judaism (as Talmudism) what the conversion of Constantine and the western European nations accomplished for Christianity. (Yeah, they were both counterfeit)

Fast forward to World War I. In 1914 Great Britain, France and Russia fought against Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. By 1916 Germany had won that war. Germany was offering England peace terms. There were Khazars, now called “Jews” or “Zionists” in Britain and Germany and the United States in many high positions.

While peace talks were going on the Zionists in Germany, representing all Zionists from Eastern Europe went to the British War Cabinet (without Germany’s knowledge) and said you can win this war if the US will come in as your ally. We will guarantee to bring the US into the war as your ally, if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war. Now Great Britain had no connection, interest, or right in what is known as Palestine as payment to the Zionists for bringing the US into the war. The Zionists deceived the US which was pro Germany. Zionists occupied, as they do today, many of the top government and corporate positions and offices in The US, Great Britain, and Germany. President Woodrow Wilson was blackmailed and deceived. He went to Congress with a lie and they voted to go to war against Germany.

Once the US was in the war, The Zionists wanted proof of their agreement with England. The promise was given in the form of a letter called the 1916 Balfour Declaration. The Germans did not know about this until the Paris Peace Conference after the US crushed Germany. Then they realized that the Zionists in Germany had betrayed their own country in order to get Palestine.

The Khazars then tried to shut down Germany by starvation because they controlled everything. Now we why Germany turned against the so-called Jews.

The Rothschild’s of England financed the transplanting 600,000 eastern European Talmudists into Palestine. In collaboration with President Truman in the US armed the 600,000 transplanted alien Talmudists and on May 18,1948, began their expulsion from Palestine of the Christian and Muslim disarmed and defenseless 1,350,000 population and at the same time declared their armed uprising the “State of Israel”. This was not the repatriation of God’s chosen people to their promised land as so many believe.

If the Talmudists of the world say they are willing to see another world war fought to establish “God’s chosen people” in “their promised land” to rule the world from Palestine, then it is time to tell the grass root of the United States what all the excitement is about.

Have you ever seen the names of all the people in the United States that are hold the highest positions in our Government, our corporations, our financial institutions, our media, and even the CDC who are known as “Jews”. Did you know Ukraine is the native land of the Khazars? Have you thought it weird that a recent administration called its cabinet heads “Czars”? It is all around us. We should know the enemy and his work.

Secondary Meaning of Words

Words can have what is called a “secondary meaning”. Ivory is the tusk of an elephant, but ivory became a bar of soap. A camel is a dromedary of the desert, but a camel became a cigarette. The word Jew has become a secondary meaning of the word for a Judean in Biblical times.

The race, religion, nationality, and culture of Jesus are not the race, religion, nationality and culture of the so-called Jews today. This is a myth. Jew has a secondary meaning. Jew has become an adjective and a verb. Jew can have a derogatory connotation. Scrabble does not even allow the word “Jew”.

Jesus abhorred and denounced the forms of religious worship practiced in Judea in His lifetime, which was known and practiced as Judaism, which then was known as Pharisaism. Judaism became Pharisaism which became Talmudism. Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, which became modern Rabbinism.

Flavius Josephus coined the term Judaism, as compared to Hellenism, both which covered Judea. The Judeans refused to read Josephus. The Judeans did not know of Judaism. Pharisaism flourished in Judea in the time of Jesus and was based exclusively on the Talmud which began in 200 BC.

Jesus and the apostles quoted from the Scriptures of the Old Testament. The Torah was read in the synagogues just like the Bible is read in Christian churches. But it was the religion as being practiced and tradition which trump the word of God. Ministers are ordained by men according to how they follow the creed or the traditions of the religion, not how they understand the word of God.

Judaism today is Talmudism and not based on the Torah. The Talmud is 63 books which are the legal, ethical, and historical writings of the ancient Rabbis. It is the legal code which forms the basis of religious law and is the text book used in the training of the rabbis.

What sort of book is the Talmud? From the birth of Jesus until this day there has never been recorded more vicious, vile and libelous blasphemies of Jesus Christ, of Christians, and of the Christian faith by anyone, anywhere, anytime than you will find. It also contains unspeakable perverse things about sex with children and with animals and the like.

In 1935 the Talmud was translated into English probably because so many of the younger generation were unable to read the Talmud in the many ancient languages in which the original 63 books were composed between 200 BC and AD 500.

Kol Nidre

On the Day of Atonement, which is the highest of holy days of the so-called Jews, is celebrated as such around the world. After the recital of the Kol Nidre (All Vows) prayer three times by the standing congregation in concert with the rabbis, religious ceremonies begin immediately after. Here is the official English translation of the “Kol Nidre” (All Vows) prayer:


The text was to the effect that all oaths which believers take between one Day of Atonement and the next Day of Atonement are declared invalid.

This prayer had nothing to do with the actual idea of the Day of Atonement. However, Christian churches at one time used to toll their bells on the Day of Atonement in solidarity with the so-called Jews. I am sure they were ignorant of the Kol Nidre prayer.


After reading all of this, here is what the Holy Spirit showed to me based on my understanding of the mystery of the Body of Christ in the present dispensation and how Satan must work against saved believers in coming to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim 2:4)

Paul asked Peter in Gal 2:14 “why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?”

Satan hijacked Christianity through the Roman Church. Through the religion of Christianity Satan is Judaizing the Gentile believers. Satan is compelling the Gentiles to do as the Judeans: tithing, water baptisms, the Passover meal, the so-called Lord’s Prayer, and so on.

Jesus was separating the Judeans who would follow the Torah from those who followed the Talmud.

Jesus was quoting the OT, while at the same time was admonishing the religion of Pharisaism.

Through the Religion of Christianity Satan is presenting a false body of Christ.

Satan has Judaized the Khazars as a counterfeit nation who became known as the “Jews”.

I believe the abbreviated word “Jew” originated in the Khazars that converted to Judaism and who became known as the “Yiddish”. The word “Jew” did not originate before the 12th century anywhere.

The so-called Jews today are Satan’s counterfeit of the true Judeans of the Bible.

Christians today are not only being Judaized by their religion but are also being fooled into supporting Satan’s counterfeit Jews in Israel, who are the Khazars of the past.

These false Judeans called “Jews” will likely play a part in setting up a counterfeit kingdom before Christ returns to Earth.

English Bible translators took the liberty to equate the Khazar “Jews” with the Judeans of the Bible. This word developed when these Khazars who converted to Judaism were forced out of Asia into Eastern Europe. The word Jew is derived from Anglo-French iuw and Old French giu. The word Jew could not have come from the Scriptures.

The sad thing is, how many clergy claim and teach that “Jesus was a Jew”!

So you can see how clever Satan works his plans and how easily we fall for it.

You don’t have to agree with my conclusions. But you may want to check it out if you can.


The word Jew would be impossible to erase from your mind when reading or studying the Bible. It is firmly imbedded in our minds. Trying to replace the word “Jew” with “Judean” will be as hard as trying to replace the word “church” with “assembly” or “called-out ones”; or the word “hell” with “the grave”.

But now at least we may have a more clear understanding of the difference between the “Judean” of the Bible and the “Jew” of our world today.

The difference between an Israelite and a Judean in the Bible is even more complicated because of all of the divisions, captivities, dispersions, revolts, and attacks on the descendants of Jacob since the kingdom was divided until now. That will be another study for someone to undertake.

Only God knows who and where are His chosen people that He will restore and redeem in the future.

Numbers 16:5 Moses said to Korah

And when Moses heard it, he fell upon his face: and he spake unto Korah and unto all his company, saying, Even to morrow the Lord will shew who are his, and who is holy; and will cause him to come near unto him: even him whom he hath chosen will he cause to come near unto him

2 Tim 2:18 The Lord knoweth them that are His.